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antithetic variable中文是什么意思

用"antithetic variable"造句"antithetic variable"怎么读"antithetic variable" in a sentence


  • 对偶变量


  • We also give the theoretical error result of antithetic variable monte carlo ( amc ) method for multi - variable functions whose degree is no more than two . the constant before o ( n - 1 / 2 ) is less than that of the mc method
    对次数不高于2的多变量函数, amc方法其误差阶是o ( n ~ ( - 1 / 2 ) ) ,但其系数比原始蒙特卡罗积分( mc )方法的误差阶的系数小。
  • So the b - spline smoothed rejection sampling method is indirectly proved to be superior to the standard rejection sampling method . chapter 4 is about the monte carlo integration . we get a theoretical error of the fine antithetic variables monte carlo ( famc ) method for multidimensional integration
    第4章是关于蒙特卡罗积分的,得出了用于多重积分的精细对偶变数蒙特卡罗( fineantitheticvariablesmontecarlo ,简称famc )方法的误差估计式。
用"antithetic variable"造句  


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